In a brief exchange in some comments, I had this to say which I wanted to save, so here it is: The idea of the origin of a new species via random gene mutations and natural selection is hard pill to swallow. I don’t find evolutionary theory is anywhere near convincing: as a hypothetical speculation […]
Month: February 2015
How I Made My Sockpaws
I’m a total amateur at making fursuit parts, but I learned a lot from what other amateurs posted on the Internet, so here’s how I made my first sockpaws: Hope it helps you along with yours!
Rex Omnium and the Epic Spiritual War
As part of my Lenten exercises this year, I am reading a book by Paul Thigpen entitled, “Manual for Spiritual Warfare.” Thus far it has been a very sound and useful read, but a theme (that should be obvious to any Christian) is emerging that has occurred to me before but I’ve never deeply considered. […]
Tell Me How This Isn’t Wrong
I don’t care what your stance on homosexual marriage is. Someone please tell my why this: is not horribly and frighteningly wrong for all Americans, gay, straight, or otherwise? If this ruling stands, it will mark the definitive beginning of the end for religious freedom.
Source of Justice
I noted again today, in an article discussing the erroneous statement of a CNN anchor about the source of our rights, these words from the Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these […]
40 Days
Lent begins today, as opposed to lint, which is entirely different and requires far less personal commitment. I will be reading “The Manual for Spiritual Warfare” by Paul Thigpen as my Lenten exercise this year. I will also be giving up alcoholic beverages, which, if you read this: you will see is not a […]